7 Ways To Live A Better Life

That is a good start to make changes and adopt a new approach to how to live and love your life.

James Michael Sama

I’ve got a lot of work to do to become the person I want to be. I want to weigh less, earn more, and bring my business(es) to a level where I can consider myself “successful.” I was fortunate enough to be raised in a household where both of my parents and my brother are entrepreneurs and run thriving businesses – but while the desire for these accomplishments can be embedded in you, sometimes the skill-sets required, are not.

So, what are some tools and habits that I have found to help along this journey? Here are a few to start with.



Read more books.

Books are a fantastic way to learn from the experience of others. Someone may have decades of education and experience on a topic, and have written a book on it. This means in a few hundred pages you can absorb the important pieces of…

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